Fage Total 2% Plain Greek Yogurt, 7 oz
Fage total 2% greek strained yogurt is low-fat yogurt made from grade a pasteurized skimmed milk and cream. Each 5.3 oz. cup has 1 serving of gluten-free and kosher greek strained yogurt with 100 calories per serving and 15% of your recommended daily value of calcium. Our yogurt does not contain rbgh and has live and active cultures.
Nutrition Facts
Amount Per Serving
Calories 100
- Gluten-free***kosher***low fat***one 5.3 oz. cup of greek strained yogurt, total 2%
Grade a pasteurized skimmed milk and cream, live active yogurt cultures (l. Bulgaricus, s. Thermophilus, l. Acidophilus, bifidus, l. Casei).
Product Attributes
Does Not Contain: Rbgh/bst
Fat Content: Low fat
Gluten-Free: yes
Kosher: yes
Milk Types: Cow
Non-GMO: yes
Non-Certified: All natural
Sugar and Sweetener: No added sugar
RBGH/BST Statement: yes
Product Certifications
Gluten-Free Certifier: Gluten free certification organization
Kosher Certifier: Kof-k kosher
Kosher Type: Yes-dairy
Non-GMO Certifier: Non-GMO Project
Storage: Do not freeze, Keep refrigerated
Remove parchment paper on opening, Use by date on lid